Hola Pingüinos Mayo será increíble Porque por primera vez habrá 2 fiestas diferentes: Club Penguin Blog

On the computer—when you log on May 21 to June 3, you'll experience all the wonders of the Fair and Amazement Park

May Parties Announcement
By Megg on April 27, 2015 - 10:53 | Comments (0)
Hello Penguins!
This month we're trying something NEW.
We're going to have two different parties — one on desktop, and one on the Club Penguin app! The team really wants to give everyone the BEST experience possible on each version of Club Penguin. And in the past, some of our desktop parties have been difficult to replicate on the app and still be fun for everyone. So...
On the app—when you log on May 21 to June 3 there will be a celebration for rainbow puffles!
On the computer—when you log on May 21 to June 3, you'll experience all the wonders of the Fair and Amazement Park
What do you guys think of having different parties? Leave a comment and let us know.
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin
P.S. We've got an epic announcement about the rainbow puffles and sneak peek of a new area of the Amazement park coming later this week! Ninja's just adding a few of the final touches as you're reading this.
¿Que les parece? 2 fiestas diferentes 1 en la computadora y otra en la app
Vistas a la página totales
Sobre Mi

Fiestas de CP

Archivo del Blog
- ► septiembre (3)
- Feliz Cumpleaños Danpenguicp y ¡Feliz 6 Aniversario!
- Fiestas de Mayo
- Fiestas del 2006
- Fiesta Frozen Fiebre Congelada
- Nuevo Código:Día del Niño
- Club Penguin App (Android y iOs)
- Noticias de Club Penguin Edición #496
- Fiestas del 2005
- Club Penguin-El Final
- ¿El Final de Club Penguin?
- Expedición Subterránea
- Noticias de Club Penguin - Edición #495
- Únete a la locura: ¡Fiesta del 1° de Abril! Con Da...
- Sled Racer App Versión 1.2
- Noticias de Club Penguin Edición #493

Con tecnología de Blogger.
Equipo de CPD2

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